Dreamer’s Constitution
Acting on your dreams is a powerful way to change the future. Once you have taken the step of expressing your dream in words, now there is a greater possibility of you acting upon that dream and creating an action that can change the future for yourself and others. After all, Dr. King dreamed big and the whole world now benefits from his dream.
We the Dreamers, in Order to change lives by exploring our Possibilities, create Opportunities among people of all races, remove barriers that have traditionally blocked Progress, celebrate our multi-cultural Differences, pursue spiritual Renewal, embrace Diversity in our community, and build on the Accomplishments of the people by leading change in creativity, innovation, culture, mindset and behaviors in the Upstate, do commit to take action on our dreams.
Write Your Own Constitution!
Simply complete the form below to post and share your own Dreamer’s Constitution with others. This is a contract with yourself and the community to take those dreams and implement them as Dr. King did. (All content is scanned prior to posting, so your post will not appear live immediately, but in most cases, will be live within 24 – 72 hours.)
The race of a champion is but a swift one. It is a race that many individuals can not complete; this is not due to the lack of intellect, but to a lack of will, self-determination and perseverance. It is our belief, God, myself and my country, that in this land of opportunity all men, no matter their creed or nationality, etc. will not be held back by a lack thereof, but will strive for what is to come! It is my dream to see those within every racial community, who may be downtrodden, rise up out of the fear of rejection and negative rhetoric, which may be thrown their way, and be filled with the hope of those old martyrs whose death song springs alive with the voice of a thousand and one angels. Let not your heart be troubled dear one. Be not afraid, for your time will come and you will be a champion. The race of the true champion has almost come to a drastic halt, but be that stalwart giant who finishes the race not because of intellect, but through will-power, self-determination and perseverance. I, Etoria S. Hallums, executor of this Constitution do hereby declare myself as motivator, teacher and friend to young adults, like myself, all over the world. Through my strategic efforts, I hope to help bring forth a generation of achievers and not deceivers, motivators and not terminators. Struggling and non-struggling communities all over America are crying out for warriors! Let us finish this race together all, so that no other generations will have to endure the influx of shame, degradation and helplessness thrust upon our forefathers. We will rise up, men of all races, nations and intellectual affiliations to produce champions in a race, the race, of young people on the brink of spiritual, physical and psychological destruction!